Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Women are from Venus -2

From my first glimpses of Palak, I understood that beauty didn’t exist without strangeness. She collected Barbie dolls, made sculptures with mashed potatoes, constantly read books about Bin Laden and was a big fan of Coffee with Karan. The first time I spoke to her was outside my school men’s room. A couple of minutes later, we were friends.

Palak was great. She was smart, was top of every subject that she took. She was funny and to top all that she was the most beautiful girl in the whole of Boring Road. She was much more adventurous that your humble friend here. She always kept me on the edge. We did trekking and camping together. She taught me boxing and who won most of the times is anyone’s guess. My life suddenly wasn’t the boring life of a school going teenager anymore.

We hardly spoke on the phone. It was usually a text SMS- ‘Come down, waiting” and I would go down to find her waiting in my garden and then we would go on one of our exciting adventures. People used to reckon us as a gang. Time flew by. One fine day I woke up with wet undies and I realized- I was in love.

So I worked out an elaborate plan on how to tell that to her. I wondered what would be the reaction on her face when she heard me saying the three lovely words. These revelations have to be personal, my friends told me. So, I sent her a voice SMS.

Her reply came in twenty seconds. “Don’t be a SISSY, come for boxing” I was devastated.

I decided to confront her. So next day at school, I went straight up to her and asked- “Why can’t you love me? I let you win every boxing match!”

She looked deep into my eyes and said- “Don’t you understand, Aditya?”

And I understood… I remembered the first place I met her… I remembered that she collected Barbie dolls… and that’s when it dawned on me. Life is a bitch!


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