Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Women are from Venus -1

“You sound like a man who has given up. C’mon, you’re a player!” Niraj tried to inveigle me. His voice sounded like a tea kettle- high, shrill, and annoying.

“Losing something is hard. Choosing to lose something is harder. There is a very thin line between the two. Once, you cross that line you realize there never was a line. The bottom-line is… I lost!” I really had given up. But Niraj won’t…

“C’mon man, there is plenty of fish out there. Reload your hook and throw it out there.” Why doesn’t he understand- it was no more about fishing! I had just lost it!

“Look… she is the love of my life. And I’ve lost her. That’s it! Nothing else matters.” Nothing else mattered.

I was with Anousha for three weeks- the three best weeks of my life. And then suddenly, it was all gone. Apparently three weeks was too "less" to commit. She broke up with me. It was the end of everything. It was the end of me. And then Niraj said something…

“Do you remember Palak? Do you remember how much you loved her? And do you remember you fucking got over her!”

Yes, I remembered Palak! And I remembered others too... the women in my life.


Niraj Jha said...

dude u still remember palak...c'mon u r not so dumb as far as i know.. who is Anousha..I think v never discussed about her

Anonymous said...

leave those old love stories...dude, tell smthing abt your current love!!
any way, nice work...!!good blog...!!

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